In The Media

As a recognized expert in neuroscience, I frequently discuss the intersection of climate change and brain health, the neuroscience of learning, and mental health in podcasts and interviews, contributing insights across various platforms.

Broadcast Interviews

What’s Climate Change Doing To Our Brains?

In this episode of The Current with Matt Galloway on CBC Radio, Burcin discusses climatological neuroepidemiology and the urgent need for research and action to address the neurological risks of the climate crisis. (April 2024)

The Physical Toll of Climate Change On Our Brains

In this episode of The Agenda with Georgia Tolley on Dubai Eye Radio, Burcin talks about the physical toll our brains go through in the changing climate and the early works of the Neuro Climate Working Group. (Minutes 21:53 until 30:00, April 2024)


The Neurological Effects of Climate Change

In this episode of The Quantum Feedback Loop podcast, Burcin discusses her experience working on neurodegenerative diseases and emerging knowledge of the relationship between the environment and brain health. (October 2023)

The Neuroscientific Connection Between Learning and Mental Health

In this episode of Not Another Depressed Teen podcast, Burcin shares insights about the in-depth neuroscience of learning and how it relates to mental health. (October 2023)

Press Features

‘Everybody has a breaking point’: how the climate crisis affects our brains

This article in the Guardian features Burcin and her work with the Neuro Climate Working Group. (March 2024)

How can climate change impact brain health?

In this interview for Neuro Central, Burcin speaks about how motherhood and mentoring have shaped her career and furthered her passion for neuroscience research. (March 2024)

40 Intriguing “Today I Learned” Facts That You Probably Didn’t Learn In School

In this article for Bored Panda, Burcin sheds light on how getting older impacts our ability to learn new information and how to stay curious about the world even when overwhelmed with grown-up responsibilities. (December 2023)

Technology and Mental Wellbeing

In this article for the Quantum Record, Burcin shares insights on the potential effects of climate change on the brain. (December 2023)

30 Celebrity “Side Skills” That Could Make Them Famous In Those Specific Areas, Too

In this article for Bored Panda, Burcin discusses how to overcome frustration when learning new skills and rekindling interest after burning out. (November 2023)